Toy Trail, Unity game for kids. C#, Unity, Itween, Jira, Real project, Deadlines, Project planning, Home page, A* algorithm, Hexagon, Jira planning & Social media marketing about development.
Microservice with front end. Shows countries and, in addition, provides more detailed information per country. Java, Docker, Nginx Angular, Spring-boot, Microservice, Netty Integration-testing, Junit, Wiremock, Resilience, Beanvalidation, Springwebflux, Externalapi.
Office Furniture Selling Application with reporting feature! Java, Spring Boot, Docker, Docker Compose, REST, PostgreSQL, Hibernate, Thymeleaf, OpenFeign, Lombok, JUnit.
REST API with Spring Boot. Java, Spring Boot, Docker, Docker Compose, Swagger, OpenJDK, MySQL, REST, Integration Test.
Weather stations with Raspberry Pi. Html, Css, Python, Api, Php, C3 Library.
Backend task, with database optimization. Java, Eclipse Jersey REST framework, MariaDB design, JDBC, Dependency-injection, Transaction, Rollbacks, Documenting, Docker, Docker-compose, Maven.
To-do application to add and remove tasks. Jsp(Java), SQLite, Bootstrap, Tomcat.
Many repositories include course learning focused mostly on Full stack development. Not just watch and forget. Example chapter from Software Patterns and other one from Reactive Programming in Project Reactor.
Angular todo list app - mini project. Driving concepts in with small mini projects.
Coming soon!